Road Safety Tips for School Children

The road safety landscape poses significant challenges, particularly for children. According to current stats, there is one road crash every three minutes in India. Factors such as high traffic density, lack of proper pedestrian infrastructure, and inadequate enforcement of traffic laws contribute to these risks. Ensuring the safety of school children on the road is a top priority for parents, schools, and communities. As children navigate their daily routes to and from school, understanding and practicing road safety is crucial.

This blog highlights top road safety tips for school children and discusses how schools and parents can teach the young ones to stay safe.

Road Safety Tips for School Children

Teaching children about road safety is vital for their well-being. Educating them on safe practices not only prevents accidents but also instills lifelong habits of caution and awareness. Here are some important road safety tips tailored for different modes of commuting:

Going to School by Walking

  1. Look Left, Right, Left: Always look left, right, and left again before crossing the street to ensure it’s safe from the coming traffic.
  2. Use Pedestrian Crossings: Always use zebra crossings or pedestrian signals when crossing the road. Ensure that children understand the importance of waiting for the green signal.
  3. Stay on Sidewalks: Teach children to walk on the sidewalk, away from the edge of the road.
  4. Listen to the Traffic Police: Follow the instructions of the traffic police and crossing guards, as they are there to ensure your safety.
  5. Be More Careful on One-Way Roads: Even on one-way roads, check for vehicles coming from all directions, including bicycles and motorbikes.
  6. Avoid Corners & Curves: Be extra cautious near corners and curves where visibility is limited, as drivers may not see children in time.
  7. No Running or Playing: Teach children to stay focused and avoid running or playing near the road to prevent unexpected accidents.
  8. Hear Horns: Students must always be attentive to the sounds of traffic, especially car horns, which can signal potential danger.
  9. Stay Cautious Around Parking: Staying vigilant around parked cars can help students avoid blindspots, as drivers may not see them while pulling out or parking.
  10. Stay Away from Large Vehicles: Maintain a safe distance from large vehicles like trucks and buses, as they have larger blind spots.

Going to School by School Bus

  1. No Running After the Bus: Ensure children arrive at the bus stop early to avoid rushing or running after the bus, ensuring a calm and safe boarding process.
  2. Wait Safely: Children should wait for the bus at a safe distance from the road, standing in a queue rather than pushing or shoving.
  3. Board and Exit Safely: Teach children to board the bus in an orderly manner, using the handrail, and to wait for the bus to stop completely before getting off.
  4. Don’t Engage in Distractive Behavior: Students must stay calm and avoid loud or disruptive behavior on the bus to ensure the driver can focus on the road.
  5. Don’t Stay on Footboard: Never stand on the footboard or steps while the bus is in motion; find a seat promptly and stay seated.
  6. Don’t Take Your Hands Out of the Bus: Ensure that children keep their hands and arms inside the bus at all times to avoid injury from passing vehicles or objects.

Going to School by Personal Vehicle

  1. Use Seat Belts: Emphasize the importance of wearing seat belts at all times, regardless of the distance being traveled.
  2. Enter and Exit Safely: Children should always enter and exit the vehicle from the footpath to avoid stepping into traffic.
  3. Car Safety Rules: Teach children to stay seated and keep their hands and heads inside the vehicle while it is moving.

Related Read: School Bus accidents, prevention and safety measures

Tips for Schools to Ensure Student Road Safety

  1. Implement Safety Education Programs: Integrate road safety education into the curriculum to teach students essential safety practices and awareness. Conduct regular workshops and interactive sessions with road safety experts.
  2. Create Safe School Zones: Designate specific drop-off and pick-up points for students to avoid congestion and ensure safety. Install clear signage, speed bumps, and pedestrian crossings around the school premises.
  3. Promote Safe Bus Practices: Ensure school buses are well-maintained and equipped with safety features like seat belts and first aid kits. Train bus drivers and attendants in safety protocols and emergency procedures.
  4. Organize Safety Drills: Conduct regular safety drills to prepare students for various scenarios, such as boarding and alighting from buses safely. Include pedestrian safety drills to practice crossing streets and using sidewalks correctly.
  5. Engage with Parents and Community: Collaborate with parents to reinforce road safety practices at home and on the way to school. Partner with local authorities to advocate for better infrastructure and enforcement of traffic rules around school areas.
  6. Use Technology: Implement school bus tracking systems to monitor routes and ensure timely and safe transportation. Use parent apps to keep parents informed in real-time, offering them peace of mind.
  7. Monitor and Evaluate Safety Measures: Regularly review and assess the effectiveness of implemented safety measures and make necessary adjustments. Gather feedback from students, parents, and staff to identify areas of improvement and address any safety concerns promptly.

Tips for Parents to Ensure Student Road Safety

  1. Teach Safe Walking Practices: Instruct children on how to use pedestrian crossings, and sidewalks, and follow traffic signals. Practice looking left, right, and left again before crossing streets together with your child.
  2. Model Good Behavior: Set a positive example by following traffic rules, using seat belts, and practicing safe driving habits. Show the importance of patience and attentiveness while on the road.
  3. Monitor Routes to School: Ensure that children take the safest route to school, avoiding high-traffic areas when possible. Walk or drive the route with them a few times to identify any potential hazards.
  4. Educate on Bus Safety: Teach children the importance of staying seated and using handrails on the bus. Emphasize the need to wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before boarding or exiting.
  5. Reinforce Stranger Danger Awareness: Instruct children never to accept rides from strangers or engage with unknown individuals on their way to and from school. Establish a safe word or phrase that only trusted individuals know.
  6. Stay Informed and Involved: Stay updated on the school’s road safety policies and participate in safety meetings or discussions. Work with other parents and the school administration to advocate for improved safety measures and infrastructure.


Road safety for school children is a shared responsibility that requires the combined efforts of parents, schools, and the community. By educating children about road safety and practicing vigilance, we can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and ensure that our young ones navigate the roads safely. Let’s commit to creating a safer road environment for our children, fostering a culture of safety that will benefit generations to come.

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